Wii Portable – 16:9 4.3″ Display



SKU: N/A Category:


One of a kind Wii portable!
Original Wii motherboard cut and slimmed down into a portable form factor.

Original Nintendo DSi buttons (Similar to Wii U buttons), Nintendo Switch Joysticks (updated not reflected in photos), and custom printed triggers

Handheld can play 99% of Wii games since it is the original console and 95% of GameCube games (Note: compatibility is based on if game can be run off USB drive, but all of the classics run just fine).

Color can be customized – Please select “custom color”.  For help, see: “https://www.color-hex.com/color-names.html” and copy and paste the color code in the “hex” section.


Additional Features:

  • Bluetooth – Sync button included to connect your Wii remote*
  • 3.5mm Headphone jack (Will switch automatically from speakers to headset)
  • 32gb USB drive included with a few games added (No list included, games will be random).
  • 4.3″ 16:9 480p IPS display (progressive scan must be enabled in game, or can be forced in settings)
  • Half-press & full-press analogue triggers – Super Mario Sunshine, Super Smash Bros melee, Luigi’s Mansion, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, etc. use these features.

*Wii-remote needs special instructions to connect (included in provided instructions).


  • Do you add games?
    Answer: No, but we do provide detailed instructions. The user should learn how to do it if they are going to make such an investment (instructions included).
  • Does it play GameCube and Wii games?
    Answer: yes, compatibility is about 95% (because they are played from a usb drive).
  • Does it play PSP, Wii u, games, etc…?
    Answer: The system can do emulation up to N64, but nothing beyond that.
  • Can you mod a Wii U?
    Answer: Not currently and is unlikely to be done in the near future, but alas, you never know.
  • How long does the battery last?
    Answer: approximately 2-3 hours
  • Why is it so expensive?
    Answer: every console is taken apart, slimmed down, and soldered together by hand. This takes time, and the parts themselves are not cheap. Shipping and Etsy fees are also very substantial as well. Please do not ask for a cheaper price, as we will lower prices as the above become cheaper.
  • Can it play discs?
    Answer: No. Because disc drives consume so much power and because it requires a substantial amount of room, we do not offer disc drives with mods. Games play really well off of a USB drive and the pros outweigh the cons when comparing.
Wii Portable – 16:9 4.3″ Display

Additional information



Popular Colors - Choose this or custom:

Custom (choose below), White (#ffffff), Black (#000000), SNES Classic Red (E02625), Yellow (#ffff00), Wii Blue (34BEED), GameCube Purple (6545B2)


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