
For warranty, we cover defects with the unit for the following:
1. 1-30 days: Seller pays for shipping and repairing defects. Seller also offers servicing and instructions for device.
2. 30 days to 1 year: Seller pays for repairs with defects (not damages from buyer). Buyer pays for shipping*. Seller will also offer service for software and hardware. **shipping charges may range from $50-$150
3. After 1 year: buyer pays for all costs, but seller may continue to offer repair and services .

Defects in the unit may include:

  1. Battery bloating.
  2. Severe warping of plastic surrounding unit (minor warping is normal).
  3. Internals and wiring (warranty voided if user opens unit).
  4. Malfunctioning – does not turn on or off, cannot play games, etc.
  5. Button sticking (first 30 days)

Warranty does not cover:

  1. Screen bleeding (this is normal)
  2. Buttons sticking (after 30 days)
  3. Loss in battery life
  4. Normal wear and tear
  5. Damage caused to the unit

Any damage that is not included above will be discussed between the buyer and seller.

Major defects in unit may need to be shipped internationally to; that is why the variance in cost of shipping. Minor defects such as wiring or minor soldering can be fixed very cheap. Defects will depend on use of unit, such as weather and climate. It is expected that the user will use the unit indoors in milder temperatures (please do not use in 100+ Fahrenheit, and of course limit extreme cold temperatures).

After 1 year, seller reserves the right to refuse or limit repairs and services to buyer.

Seller may also determine if buyer is mishandling or damaging device and may charge buyer for repairs (including shipping) and services or refuse service and repairs entirely.

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